Barrhill Website
Community Council Minutes


Dates of Community Council meetings 2024:
All meetings commence at 7.00pm

Wednesday 31st January - minutes
Wednesday 28th February - minutes
Wednesday 24th April - minutes
Wednesday 29th May inc AGM - minutes (not AGM)
Wednesday 26th June - minutes
Wednesday 28th August - agenda
Wednesday 30th October -
Wednesday 27th November -

Dates of Community Council meetings 2023:
All meetings commence at 7.00pm

Wednesday 25th January - minutes
Wednesday 22nd February - minutes
Wednesday 26th April inc AGM - minutes
Wednesday 31st May - minutes, AGM agenda
Wednesday 28th June - minutes
Wednesday 30th August - minutes
Wednesday 25th October - minutes
Wednesday 29th November - minutes

Dates of Community Council meetings 2022:
All meetings commence at 7.00pm

Wednesday 26th January - minutes
Wednesday 23rd February - minutes
Wednesday 30th March - minutes
Wednesday 27th April - minutes
Wednesday 25th May (inc AGM) - minutes, AGM minutes
Wednesday 29th June - minutes
Wednesday 31st August - minutes
Wednesday 26th October - minutes
Wednesday 30th November - minutes

Dates of Community Council meetings 2021:
There is no meeting in December
All meetings commence at 7.00pm.

Restart Tuesday 14th September - minutes
Wednesday 27th October - minutes
Wednesday 24th November - minutes

Dates of Community Council meetings 2020:

Wednesday 29th January - minutes
Wednesday 26th February - minutes
Wednesday 25th March - No meeting
All remaining meetings cancelled due to Hall closure (Covid-19)

Dates of Community Council meetings 2019:

Wednesday 30th January - minutes
Wednesday 27th February - minutes
Wednesday 27th March - minutes
Wednesday 24th April - minutes
Wednesday 29th May (inc AGM) - minutes - AGM minutes
Wednesday 26th June - minutes
Wednesday 28th August - minutes
Wednesday 30th October - minutes
Wednesday 27th November - minutes

Dates of Community Council meetings 2018:

Wednesday 31st January - minutes
Wednesday 28th February - minutes
Wednesday 28th March - minutes
Wednesday 25th April - minutes
Wednesday 30th May (inc AGM) - minutes
Wednesday 27th June - minutes
Wednesday 29th August - minutes
Wednesday 31st October - minutes
Wednesday 28th November - minutes

Dates of Community Council meetings 2017:

Wednesday 25th January - minutes
Wednesday 22th February - minutes
Wednesday 29th March - minutes
Wednesday 26th April - minutes
Wednesday 31st May (inc AGM) - minutes
Wednesday 28th June - minutes
Wednesday 30th August - minutes
Wednesday 25th October - minutes
Wednesday 29th November - minutes

Dates of Community Council meetings 2016:

Wednesday 27th January - minutes
Wednesday 24th February - minutes
Wednesday 30th March - minutes
Wednesday 27th April - minutes
Wednesday 25th May (inc AGM) - minutes
Wednesday 29th June - minutes
Wednesday 31th August - minutes
Wednesday 26th October - minutes
Wednesday 30th November - agenda

Dates of Community Council meetings 2015:

Wednesday 28th January - minutes
Wednesday 25th February - minutes
Wednesday 25th March - minutes
Wednesday 29th April- minutes,
Wednesday 27th May (inc AGM) - AGM 2014 minutes, - minutes
Wednesday 24th June - minutes
Wednesday 26th August - minutes
Wednesday 28th October - minutes
Wednesday 25th November - minutes

Dates of Community Council meetings 2014:

Wednesday 22nd January - minutes
Wednesday 26th February - minutes
Wednesday 26th March - minutes
Wednesday 23rd April - minutes
Wednesday 28th May (inc. AGM) - minutes
Wednesday 25th June - minutes
Wednesday 27th August - minutes
Wednesday 22nd October - minutes
Wednesday 26th November - minutes

Community Council meetings 2013:

Wednesday 23rd January - minutes
Wednesday 27th February - minutes
Wednesday 27th March - no minutes, inquorate
Wednesday 24th April - minutes
Wednesday 22nd May( inc. AGM) - minutes
Wednesday 26th June - minutes
Wednesday 28th August - minutes
Wednesday 25th September - minutes
Wednesday 23rd October - minutes
Wednesday 27th November - minutes

Community Council meetings 2012:

Thursday January 26th - minutes
Thursday February 23rd - minutes
Thursday March 22nd - minutes
Thursday April 26th - minutes
Thursday May 24th - minutes
Thursday June 28th - minutes
Wednesday August 22nd - minutes
Wednesday Septmber 26th - minutes
Wednesday October 24th - minutes
Wednesday November 28th - minutes

Dates & Minutes for 2011

Thursday 27th January - minutes
Thursday 24th February - minutes
Thursday 24th March - minutes
Thursday 28th April - minutes
Thursday 26th May (AGM) - minutes
Thursday 28th July - minutes
Thursday 25th August - minutes
Thursday 22nd September - minutes
Thursday 27th October - minutes
Thursday 24th November - >minutes